Optimized Weighing Efficiency
The Handtmann WS 910 weighing system and AHE scales offer precision in processing, ensuring cost-efficient production with accurate weight control. These systems integrate seamlessly, enhancing efficiency and reliability in sausage, ground meat, and any other product that requires weight accuracy by minimizing giveaway and optimizing line operations.
Weighing Systems
WS 910
Handtmann intelligent WS 910 checkweigher and sorting belt work with VF 800 vacuum fillers to provide accurate-to-the-gram portioning, automatic ejection and centralized line synchronization that lets you narrow your min/max parameters dramatically and reduce your ground meat and formed product give-away with confidence.
AHE Scales
The Handtmann AHE scales provide multiple options, including smoke stick, portion, and tray weighing, enhancing versatility in production. These scales, equipped with precise weight control, can be optionally installed directly on the hanging unit, reducing give-away due to their optimal weight accuracy, which can cut overfilling by up to 60%.
